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Turkish citizenship news

Turkey opens the door to investment for all world countries by granting Turkish citizenship to foreign investors. Therefore, investing in real estate offers another advantage as the country grants residency and citizenship permits to foreign investors who make a certain level of investment in the country.

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More information about Turkish citizenship

The executive regulations for the decision to purchase a property worth $250,000 before the date of 06/13/2022:

The executive regulations of the decision to buy a property worth $250,000 and benefit from the Turkish Nationality Law before raising the value of real estate investment to $400,000

Decision summary

Based on the law issued on 13.05.2022, which provided for amending the value of the investment amount to obtain Turkish citizenship through real estate investment from 250 thousand US dollars to 400 thousand US dollars, which will enter into force on 13.06.2022, the mechanism of action of the administrative regulations to implement the decision has been published as follows:


Anyone who has purchased a property to apply for the process of issuing the title deed before 12.06.2022 until 24:00 is entitled to benefit from the Turkish Nationality Law if the title deed was issued after 13.06.2022 according to the following conditions:


• Make an appointment through the WEB TAPU website by calling ALO 181 or via the electronic appointment of the Tabu Directorate https://randevu.tkgm.gov.tr/tr/Appointment/eAppointmentStart

• Provided that the seller and buyer information is entered correctly and the correct type of transaction is chosen.

• Applying for an appointment at the Land Registry Directorate to conduct a 3-year non-sale undertaking to take advantage of the Turkish Nationality Law before 12.06.2022 until 24:00. It is also possible to carry out the transaction of issuing the title deed and undertaking not to sell at one time, provided that the phrase (procedure of the transaction of undertaking not to sell) is mentioned in the explanatory section related to the transaction of issuing the title deed and that the persons registered as buyers and sellers are not changed during the transaction.

• The appointment will be canceled automatically if the following documents are not added (bank notification - approved payment document - evaluation report), provided all these papers are extracted before 12.06.2022. Suppose there is a lack of documents other than those mentioned above, such as a passport translation or other identification documents. In that case, the appointment will be extended for another 20 days. Still, the transaction will be canceled if the Land Registry Directorate is not reviewed immediately after requesting the missing documents within ten days to inform them of completing the papers.


New amendments to the law of acquiring Turkish citizenship by investment:

Turkish Republic

Ministry of Environment and Urbanization

Directorate of Land Registry and Urban Survey

Presidency of the Department of Foreign Affairs

Issue: E-69083781-010.06.02-861963

Subject: Circular No. 5/2019


to the General Directorate

The decision of the Ministry of Interior, Directorate of Public Civil Affairs, dated 05.01.2021 and No. E.34050625-127-504:

“During the meeting held on 23.12.2020, chaired by the Assistant Minister of Interior, Al-Sayyid, and in the presence of the Public Persons Directorate, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, the Land Registry and Urban Survey Directorate, and the General Directorate of Immigration, it was decided to take the necessary measures urgently in order to speed up, facilitate, simplify, and implement the legal procedures properly in matters related to the access of foreign investors.” On Turkish citizenship.

In addition, it was concluded that it would be useful to form a committee in the presence of representatives of concerned organizations and institutions to take new legal measures regarding the acquisition of Turkish citizenship through investment, auditing the procedures when necessary, and consulting periodically.


Based on the decision mentioned above, the committee held its first meeting on January 20, 2021, in the presence of the General Civil Affairs Directorate, the Land Registry and Urban Survey Directorate, and the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, in addition to the executive regulations for the implementation of the Turkish Citizenship Acquisition Law No. 5/2019 dated May 30, 2019, which determined all stages and procedures for acquiring Turkish citizenship by investment and the measures taken in this regard The committee decided to take the necessary measures to stand up to the pre-arranged applications.


In this context, Articles No. 1, 2 and 3 of the Appendix to the Executive Regulations for implementing the Law of Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship through Investment No. 5/2019, dated May 30, 2019, were amended.

• The real estate concerned with the purchase or the purchase contract must not be registered with the Tabu records in the name of another foreign citizen (including the wife and children of the foreign person)

• The real estate/concerned with the purchase or the purchase contract must not be conferred on the foreign person wishing to obtain Turkish citizenship through investment, his wife or children, or another foreign citizen of the same nationality as a Turkish citizen or a Turkish company as of 12.01.2017 onwards. However, a foreign citizen of another nationality can buy a property transferred from a foreign person to a Turkish person or a Turkish company after January 12, 2017, to obtain Turkish citizenship through investment.

• The property/s concerned with the purchase or the purchase contract must not be registered with the Tabo records in the name of the foreign citizen wishing to buy the property/s, his wife or children, or in the name of the company they are the owner of, or in the name of a foreign company or with international capital affiliated to Article No. 36 of the Tabu Law No. 2644 and its partners are of the same nationality as the foreign citizen wishing to purchase the property(s).

• It is not possible to use the real estate concerned with the purchase or the purchase contract to obtain Turkish citizenship within a new file to obtain Turkish citizenship for another foreign citizen.

Example 1: A foreign citizen bought full shares of a property worth $252,000 in the state of Istanbul from a Turkish citizen on 02.11.2020 through a regulated purchase contract with the notary, after which he registered his undertaking not to sell the property for three years with the Land Registry Directorate, thus obtaining a The document of conformity and then the Turkish citizenship. After the expiration of the period of the non-sale pledge, the same property cannot be used in the purchase or purchase contract to obtain Turkish citizenship by another foreign citizen, even if the owner of the property changes with the days.

Example 2: A foreign citizen bought a 1/2 share of a property worth $255,000 in Istanbul on 03.11.2020 and then registered his undertaking not to sell the property for three years with the Land Registry Directorate, thus obtaining a document of conformity and after that, obtaining Turkish citizenship. After the expiration of the non-sale pledge period, the same share of the property cannot be used in the purchase or purchase contract to obtain Turkish citizenship by another foreign citizen, even if the owner of the property changes with the days.

• In the event of resale of the property(s) used to obtain Turkish citizenship after the expiration of the period of the undertaking not to sell to the company from which the property was purchased or to the Turkish citizen from whom the property was purchased (except for cases of forced sale such as a court decision or seizure of the property) or If the property is sold to a third person by deleting the purchase contract records from the Tabu records, the General Directorate is notified, which in turn re-evaluates the conformity document, which forms the basis for the foreign citizen obtaining Turkish citizenship.


After placing the phrase “I undertake to” in the first section, “Purchase Procedures.” In the second section, “Purchase Contract Procedures” of the appendix section “Not to Sell Undertaking Status,” the phrase “I understand that measures will be taken related to Article No. 31 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901, which is (the foreign citizen’s acquisition of Turkish citizenship is canceled by the denominator issuing the decision if a false statement of the foreign citizen is proven or that he conceals matters that constitute a basis for obtaining Turkish citizenship) due to the submission of incomplete, wrong or misleading documents.


Turkish citizenship by buying a property and what conditions must be met to obtain Turkish citizenship:

Turkey opens the door to investment for all world countries by granting Turkish citizenship to foreign investors. Therefore, investing in real estate offers another advantage as the country grants residency and citizenship permits to foreign investors who make a certain level of investment in the country.

People who buy real estate in Turkey for more than 400 thousand dollars; have the right to citizenship with their families, provided that the necessary conditions are met. In addition, a three-year residence permit is also granted to foreign investors and their families.


Steps to apply for Turkish citizenship by buying a property in Turkey

1. A person who wants to come to Turkey to benefit from the Turkish Nationality Law must bring some documents required for citizenship treatment from his country. The required documents:

- If the person is not married:

Single civil status document for the person (a document proving that the person is single)

A valid passport

Two personal photos, 50*60 in size

- If the person is married:

Individual family status statement document for the person (a document proving that the person is married)

Birth statement documents for children

marriage document

Valid passports for all family members

Two personal photos, with dimensions 50 * 60, for the husband and wife and for children over 15.

For all these documents to be valid in Turkey, they must be taken by the official authorities. They must be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in their country, after which he follows one of the following steps:

Suppose the person is a citizen of the countries that signed the Hague Convention regarding abolishing the mandatory attestation of public documents (Apostilles). In that case, he must make an Apostilles attestation only from his country and then translate and attest this document by an accredited sworn translator and then a notary.

Translate these documents into Turkish with a certified sworn translator, after which he must attest the document from the embassy or consulates of the Turkish government in his country.

Certification of this document from the consulate of his country in Turkey, then its translation by a certified sworn translator, and its attestation by the notary public, and then by the relevant Turkish authorities.

2. Determine the appropriate property he would like to own for Turkish citizenship. Still, before starting the ownership procedures and to ensure the safety and completion of the process of obtaining Turkish citizenship without any problems, an initial payment is made to reserve the property. Then we evaluate the market value of the property by companies recognized by the state To make sure that the value of this property is equivalent to 400 thousand dollars or more, and then we complete the purchase process.

3. The purchase process takes place after entering the Turkish lands, the person goes to open a bank account in Turkey and transfers the amount from his account in his country of origin to his bank account in Turkey and then to the account of the second party, or he can transfer the price of the property directly from his account in the country in which he resides to the account of the second party, provided that he brings with him the original bank notice signed and stamped by the bank.

4. After taking the bank notice, the written book, and the real estate appraisal report, go to the Real Estate Ownership Department (Tapu), and it is noted in the Tabo that this property is being purchased to take advantage of the Turkish Nationality Law. It is preferable that the value of the property registered in the Tabu be equal to the value mentioned in the real estate appraisal report. The new owner of the property undertakes not to sell this property for three years starting from the date of purchasing the property, provided that the exchange value of the lira at the Central Bank of Turkey on that day is taken into account. It is also noted in the title deed, provided that the transaction is submitted electronically to (the General Directorate of Possession, Surveying and Urban / Presidency of the Department of Foreign Affairs) as soon as possible to obtain a document that does not prevent him from obtaining Turkish citizenship. An email is also given to the employee in the Tapu to be attached with the papers to the General Directorate, and a copy of the document is sent to his email.

5. After issuing a document that does not prevent him from obtaining Turkish citizenship, the General Directorate sends an electronic copy to the Immigration Department and a copy to the General Directorate of Citizenship Affairs. A copy to the e-mail registered in the Tapu, and then the person takes an appointment from the Immigration Department through the electronic appointment system. Private residence for investors

6. After obtaining the residency, the person goes to the office designated by the Directorate of Public Souls to submit the file of Turkish citizenship through ownership. The application for Turkish citizenship is filled out and delivered with the rest of the papers to the designated office, a file number is taken, and the file is followed-up later through the website designated for the Directorate of Public Souls.

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